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[title type=”special-h3″ color=”#FFF”]Join Hannah’s next workshop in Dublin to build your Ultimate Brand![/title]
[title type=”subtitle-h3″ color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.5)” class=”nbm hb-aligncenter”]Start, Grow & Scale A Business Online[/title]
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Hannah & Sir Richard Branson, Billionaire & Founder of Virgin
Hannah & Sir Bob Geldof, Singer/Songwriter & Political Activist
Hannah & Charlie Sheen, Hollywood Legend & Star Of ‘Two & A Half Men’
Hannah & Ray Lewis, NFL Star & 2x Superbowl Champion
With Ndaba Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s Grandson & Africa Rising Founder
With JP & Binky Felstead, Reality TV Stars of ‘Made In Chelsea’
Hannah & Nile Rodgers, Grammy Winner & Co-Founder of CHIC @ Abbey Road Studios, London
With JT Foxx, The World’s #1 Wealth Coach & International Speaker
Hannah & Mary Murphy, ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ USA Judge
With Samantha Power, Former U.S. Ambassador To The United Nations
Hannah & Hugh Hilton, International Business Tycoon
With Markus Feehily, International Musical Artist & Former Westlife Star