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May 19, 2019

Photo Shoot in Dublin

Back in Dublin for a few days at the office, and between calls with clients in the USA, Israel and UK yesterday, I had a fun photo shoot with Kasia from Photo Studio Balbriggan. One thing I’ve learned is that, particularly in business, it’s incredibly important that you show up how you’d like to be perceived. Your presentation, both in person and online, can create massive opportunity for you and open so many doors, when it’s congruent with the way in which you speak about and the quality of your delivery in what you do (whatever your product or service may be).

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For me, as a speaker, trainer and entrepreneur, it’s important to lead with your best foot forward, and consistently reviewing my presentation in terms of imagery, websites & promotional materials (online and offline), has helped to land speaking engagements, bigger clients and more networking opportunities. Sometimes the smallest tweaks can make a huge difference!

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Of course, we all have our days when it’s nice to throw on yoga pants and a jumper to snuggle up and watch Game of Thrones (cannot believe it’s almost finished!!), but when in a business environment and through your social media, one thing I’ve learned is that you should always ask yourself whether or not the message you are sharing is in line with your values and what you’d like to achieve through your business.

I’m super excited to see the final shots and can’t wait to share them with you 🙂

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Hannah Kathleen xo

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