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In Business, Travel, Uncategorized on
May 10, 2019

First Time In Paris

Made it to Paris! It’s my first time in the city of love and I can see why it’s called that, because I’ve already fallen in love with the place! I’m here for 3 days of intense networking, learning and meetings (plus some exploring too), and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store.

I flew in yesterday from Cardiff, Wales, after delivering my signature program, The Ultimate Brand Workshop, in collaboration with IntroBiz. It was my second time in Cardiff, after speaking at an IntroBiz event in March, and it was fabulous to return. The response from the attendees was fantastic, and each walked away with a lightbulb moment and a strategy to refresh their business brand to fulfil its true potential. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I’ll have a video to share next week, so watch out for that.

I always feel so invigorated working with entrepreneurs who have a real passion for what they do, who have a message that needs to be shared and a vision that they are building towards.

Watch out for more updates here on the blog, and follow the adventure in Paris on Instagram… @HannahHawkshaw… I’m posting a lot over there! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you drive your vision forward ❤️

Wishing you a great weekend,

Hannah Kathleen xo

In Business, Career, Lifestyle, Travel on
November 26, 2018

3 Days of Marketing Strategy in Germany

This week I was in Germany for 3 days of meetings & strategy planning with a corporate client. It was my first time visiting Baden-Baden and I loved the atmosphere (though most of my time was spent at the hotel where we were all staying). I love working with great people, and the team in question is made up of some truly wonderful minds.

Quick selfie once we wrapped up!

Business is one of my greatest passions, and talking big vision really invigorates me. We had a particularly productive couple of days and I’m really looking forward to seeing the entire plan implemented over the next few months.

Presenting Ideas to the Team

Now I’m back in London for a few days before heading to South Africa on Wednesday. I’m SO excited as this will be my first trip to Africa!! It’s going to be a busy 8 days but there will also be some time to relax (for a change), which I know is going to be thoroughly enjoyable.

It’s also nice to have my Mum here in London with me until Tuesday. She’s actually started working with me now on some projects and so we’re taking the time to plan & prepare for what’s coming up, which I’ll be able to share more about soon.

Right now I’ve got to finish packing though… I love travelling but the process of packing and unpacking is not my favourite activity, lol. Wish me luck!
