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May 22, 2019

72 hours of Business in London

I’m writing this post on board a flight to Geneva, Switzerland, after a crazy productive few days in one of my favourite cities: London. Having lived in London up until the end of February, it’s my second home, and although I felt it wasn’t right for me to continue to have it as my base at this time, I love spending time there when I can. 

It was a long few days, with most of my time spent inside an executive board room with LEGEND, a fantastic Swiss-based consulting and advispry firm, for which we have been brainstorming and developing new processes and strategies for. I love working with mission driven, forward-thinking companies and LEGEND embodies that. I definitely recommend following them as they have some super exciting things in the works!

I get to work with some truly incredible minds and it always gives me so much energy. Yesterday we spent over 12 hours going through new ideas, implementation plans and actioning everything. 

I am so grateful to be able to travel with my business, however, it’s really not as glamorous as it can seem. The reality of entrepreneurship is that you have to put in the hours to reap any reward, and it’s taken me 8 years to get to this point (and I still feel like I have a long way to go).

I wouldn’t change it for the world because I love the process of business and the possibilities, but it’s important to remember the reality of things too as social media generally always highlights the highs and leaves out the lows. I hope I can share more of the day to day with you as a result 🙂

Now, I’m looking forward to visiting the beautiful city of Geneva for another exciting couple of days with the LEGEND team.

Until next time,

Hannah Kathleen

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May 19, 2019

Photo Shoot in Dublin

Back in Dublin for a few days at the office, and between calls with clients in the USA, Israel and UK yesterday, I had a fun photo shoot with Kasia from Photo Studio Balbriggan. One thing I’ve learned is that, particularly in business, it’s incredibly important that you show up how you’d like to be perceived. Your presentation, both in person and online, can create massive opportunity for you and open so many doors, when it’s congruent with the way in which you speak about and the quality of your delivery in what you do (whatever your product or service may be).

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

For me, as a speaker, trainer and entrepreneur, it’s important to lead with your best foot forward, and consistently reviewing my presentation in terms of imagery, websites & promotional materials (online and offline), has helped to land speaking engagements, bigger clients and more networking opportunities. Sometimes the smallest tweaks can make a huge difference!

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Of course, we all have our days when it’s nice to throw on yoga pants and a jumper to snuggle up and watch Game of Thrones (cannot believe it’s almost finished!!), but when in a business environment and through your social media, one thing I’ve learned is that you should always ask yourself whether or not the message you are sharing is in line with your values and what you’d like to achieve through your business.

I’m super excited to see the final shots and can’t wait to share them with you 🙂

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Hannah Kathleen xo

In Business, Travel, Uncategorized on
May 10, 2019

First Time In Paris

Made it to Paris! It’s my first time in the city of love and I can see why it’s called that, because I’ve already fallen in love with the place! I’m here for 3 days of intense networking, learning and meetings (plus some exploring too), and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store.

I flew in yesterday from Cardiff, Wales, after delivering my signature program, The Ultimate Brand Workshop, in collaboration with IntroBiz. It was my second time in Cardiff, after speaking at an IntroBiz event in March, and it was fabulous to return. The response from the attendees was fantastic, and each walked away with a lightbulb moment and a strategy to refresh their business brand to fulfil its true potential. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I’ll have a video to share next week, so watch out for that.

I always feel so invigorated working with entrepreneurs who have a real passion for what they do, who have a message that needs to be shared and a vision that they are building towards.

Watch out for more updates here on the blog, and follow the adventure in Paris on Instagram… @HannahHawkshaw… I’m posting a lot over there! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you drive your vision forward ❤️

Wishing you a great weekend,

Hannah Kathleen xo

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March 31, 2014

Standard Image Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. Sed malesuada ante eu libero molestie ultrices. Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna. Praesent libero magna, volutpat vel ultrices malesuada, rutrum vel elit. In luctus mi id magna tincidunt aliquet. Sed eu tortor nisl, eu viverra mauris. Cras pellentesque ultricies volutpat.

Nulla a elit ut lorem venenatis sagittis laoreet in quam. Etiam semper adipiscing ullamcorper. Maecenas vel nulla nulla, sit amet laoreet diam. Aliquam accumsan laoreet posuere. Phasellus cursus, ante et lacinia faucibus, dolor ipsum ultrices lacus, sit amet facilisis dolor est bibendum metus. [highlight style=”alt”]This is highlight shortcode in action[/highlight]. Curabitur in ultricies urna. Praesent dolor justo, pulvinar eu tristique eget, ornare sed dui. Fusce imperdiet ipsum et enim sollicitudin eget dignissim ligula interdum. Phasellus bibendum, urna id ornare gravida, lorem ipsum commodo ipsum, in congue ante orci et velit.

Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna.

This is dropcap shortcode in action. There are 4 different dropcaps. Check them out in Shortcodes section. Vestibulum ornare lacinia blandit. Donec ac dolor risus, sit amet congue felis. Aliquam molestie mi sit amet risus laoreet in varius eros blandit. Donec sed nisi quis erat porta suscipit sed id quam. Maecenas sodales arcu est. Ut at nibh velit. Aenean tristique mauris vel eros aliquam sollicitudin. Cras tempus iaculis nisl nec adipiscing. Integer lobortis orci vitae massa auctor nec sagittis dolor condimentum.

Everything is extremely customizable. Easily change every element on the page.
That’s why Highend is so powerful. Flexibility & Power.

In Uncategorized on
March 31, 2014

Gallery Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. Sed malesuada ante eu libero molestie ultrices. Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna. Praesent libero magna, volutpat vel ultrices malesuada, rutrum vel elit. In luctus mi id magna tincidunt aliquet. Sed eu tortor nisl, eu viverra mauris. Cras pellentesque ultricies volutpat.

Nulla a elit ut lorem venenatis sagittis laoreet in quam. Etiam semper adipiscing ullamcorper. Maecenas vel nulla nulla, sit amet laoreet diam. Aliquam accumsan laoreet posuere. Phasellus cursus, ante et lacinia faucibus, dolor ipsum ultrices lacus, sit amet facilisis dolor est bibendum metus. [highlight style=”alt”]This is highlight shortcode in action[/highlight]. Curabitur in ultricies urna. Praesent dolor justo, pulvinar eu tristique eget, ornare sed dui. Fusce imperdiet ipsum et enim sollicitudin eget dignissim ligula interdum. Phasellus bibendum, urna id ornare gravida, lorem ipsum commodo ipsum, in congue ante orci et velit.

Duis varius mattis imperdiet. Nunc egestas, leo vel ultricies euismod, dui enim viverra est, ut pharetra quam justo et magna. Sed aliquam, libero pharetra venenatis posuere, justo mi feugiat leo, ut aliquet orci metus in nulla. Mauris mollis elementum fermentum. Donec id felis vitae arcu accumsan consequat. Praesent nibh urna, viverra vel volutpat vel, mollis eu magna.

This is dropcap shortcode in action. There are 4 different dropcaps. Check them out in Shortcodes section. Vestibulum ornare lacinia blandit. Donec ac dolor risus, sit amet congue felis. Aliquam molestie mi sit amet risus laoreet in varius eros blandit. Donec sed nisi quis erat porta suscipit sed id quam. Maecenas sodales arcu est. Ut at nibh velit. Aenean tristique mauris vel eros aliquam sollicitudin. Cras tempus iaculis nisl nec adipiscing. Integer lobortis orci vitae massa auctor nec sagittis dolor condimentum.

Everything is extremely customizable. Easily change every element on the page.
That’s why Highend is so powerful. Flexibility & Power.